Upcoming ClassesTo schedule additional classes, at least 3 students and a suitable venue are required. Contact us for more info.Feb 1Palm Coast/Zoom Recertification ClassFeb 22Palm Coast/Zoom Recertification ClassMarch 8Palm Coast/Zoom Recertification ClassTBDTBD Start Date*Payment*Credit/Debit CardCheck Seminar Type*Biannual Recertification - $295Associate Equine Therapist -$595Senior Equine Therapist - $1090 First Name* Last Name* Email* Phone*Address* Street Address Address Line 2 City State ZIP/Postal CodeCountry How did you hear about this seminar?*WebsiteDirect MailReferralArticleOther Profession*PTOTCOTAPTAOtherIs this your first seminar with Ric Lehman?*YesNoSafety GearI understand that a proper riding helmet and boots are necessary safety equipment for any equine activity and I take full responsibility for providing and for the wearing of such equipment while so engaged, if parent or legal guardian chooses not to provide their child with such safety equipment, by signing this release, parent/legal guardian gives consent and confirms that the use of such safety equipment is not necessary for your child and therefore you take full responsibility for this decision as the parent or legal guardian.PhotosI also understand that photos or video may be taken of me and will remain the property of Ric Lehman and Haven Horse Ranch and may be used at their discretion unless otherwise prohibited by me in writing.WARNINGUnder Florida law, an equine activity sponsor or equine professional, is not liable for an injury to, or the death of, a participant in equine activities resulting from the inherent risks of equine activities.Release and Indemnity AgreementIn consideration of the acceptance of my participation and/or the participation of my child or ward, in the renting of a horse from or related activities offered by Ric Lehman or Haven Horse Ranch, and with the understanding that a horse may be startled by sudden movement, noise or other factors, and may shy suddenly, rear, stop short, bite, buck, kick or run with its rider, especially when the ride is conducted through an unnatural setting, as this activity will be, I AGREE TO ASSUME THE RISKS incidental to such participation including, but not limited to, those risks set out above, and, on my own behalf, on behalf of my child or ward, and on behalf of my child's or ward's heirs, executors and administrators, RELEASE and forever discharge the released parties defined below, of and from all liabilities, claims, actions, damages, costs or expenses of any nature, arising out of or in any way connected with my participation and/or the participation of my child or ward in such horseback riding or related activities and further agree to indemnify and hold each of the released parties harmless against any and all such liabilities, claims, actions, damages, costs or expenses, including, but not limited to, attorney's fees and disbursements. The released parties are Ric Lehman and the SpiritHorse International, their parent, related, affiliated and subsidiary companies, and the officers, directors, employees, agents, representatives, successors and assigns of each. I understand that this release and indemnity agreement includes any claims based on the negligence, actions or inaction of any of the above released parties and covers bodily injury and property damage, whether suffered by me, my child or ward before, during, or after such participation. I further authorize medical treatment for said child or ward, at my cost, if the need arises.Acknowledgement*I have read, fully understand and agree to the above policies including photographs, videos, credit card payments, Safety Equipment, Cancellation Policies, Warning and Release and Indemnity Agreement on all pages of this registration. Training can be rescheduled, but is nonrefundable. Signature* (type full name) Date*