Horse Handling Certification

A SpiritHorse Center Executive Director must fill out and sign online form to complete Horse Handling Certification.

Instructor Training is the Lifeblood of our profession. So much is changing daily that to be trained several years ago and think you are all set, doing the best you can, is simply untrue and unfair to your clients. Not to mention potentially unsafe. Training is a reoccurring endeavor: a journey, not a destination. To that end, we offer various training programs to not only get you proficient, but also keep you there.

Upcoming Classes

To schedule additional classes, at least 3 students and a suitable venue are required. Contact us for more info.

Oct 23

Recertification Zoom







Associate Instructor


An Associate Instructor is for larger centers doing multiple sessions simultaneously. They work under the direct guidance and immediate supervision of a Senior Instructor and is trained in how to perform various exercises, how to take a protocol given to them and do the necessary work as prescribed. They know how to measure various metrics against the protocol. They understand horsemanship and how to best use the horse as an effective modality tool. They also understand the primary diagnosis and are current in their typical treatments. Primarily used for multiple sessions in the same area being supervised by a Senior Instructor.

Senior Instructor


A Senior Instructor knows everything an Associate knows, plus how to develop and conduct an intake interview. Then based on that interview, how to develop an appropriate protocol. They know how to develop the metrics by which the treatment will be measured and are responsible for setting appropriate goals for treatment.

Fundraising/Grant Writing Webinar


Approximately 4 hours of proven, field-tested ideas and practices to generate funding. These include tools, forms, and more. The program also includes grant research and writing using various examples. We will also discuss various Databases that can be used for your research. These taken together have developed millions of dollars in the last 10 years at real live SpiritHorse Centers. Call us at 904-814-3803 to Schedule.

Biannual Recertification


For those trained previously by SpiritHorse International, there are discounts based on the level and how long since your last training. We strongly recommend anyone trained prior to 2016 should consider current training as much has changed since then.

Training Scholarship: SHI has limited scholarships available for existing centers. Please let us know if you need financial assistance and we will address your needs on a case by case basis. Training can be rescheduled, but is nonrefundable.